Replacement Installation Manuals

Manual Library

  • All of our manuals conveniently located in one section!
  • Print them off so you will have extra copies just in case!
  • As products get added, so do our manuals!


Manual Library

Welcome to Fireside Expressions' Manual Library! We want to offer you a convenient way of accessing instructions for your new outdoor fire feature, and with the "paperless" world we live in today, what could be easier than providing online accessible options for our customers? Our manuals have been arranged by category and clearly labeled for easy navigation. Scroll through the page to find your specific product, or click on one of the category links below for quicker results. Save the manual to your personal computer, or print it out if needed. As always, our team of outdoor experts is only a Live Chat or phone call away at 1-888-986-1535!


Fire Pit Gas Logs

Last updated on July 26th 2017.